Sunday, November 10, 2019

Window's subLinux (WSL)

I. Install WSL on Windows
There are 2 versions: Comparing WSL 2 and WSL 1. Should use WSL 2 for better performance.

a. Prepare
# Enable both the Windows Subsystem for Linux and the Virtual Machine Platform optional components.
Open PowerShell as an admin and run the following script: (After the script is complete, you need to reboot your machine, since this enables new Windows features.)
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart

# Download & Install the Linux kernel update package
# Set WSL 2 as your default version: in Powershell
wsl --set-default-version 2

b. Installing WSL: 
# using Microsoft Store
go to:
and intsall a Linux shell
# not use Microsoft Store
download: Ubuntu_2004.2020.424.0_x64.appx
in powerShell: Add-AppxPackage .\Ubuntu_2004.2020.424.0_x64.appx

c. Create a Unix Account
Open up a Command Prompt and run the following command:  > bash 

d. Location
on Window 10, "~home/user" directory locates at : 
## for WSL1
## for WSL2

## Hard drives: cd  /mnt/d/work/

II. Work on WSL

# Login root as default
open cmd:   ubuntu config --default-user root

# Update Ubuntu: sudo apt update && apt upgrade

# delete folder/file
sudo -r -f \folder

# install GCC
sudo apt-get install gcc-10 g++-10 gfortran-10

# install python
# check:   python --version
## set isntall python3 as default (similar for python2, )
sudo apt install python-is-python3 python-dev python3-dev

1. Insall Modules
sudo apt-get install tcl environment-modules

2. install cuda
2a. Install NVIDIA driver for WSL2

Note: Do not install any Linux display driver in WSL. The Windows Display Driver will install both the regular driver components for native Windows and for WSL support.

2b. Install cuda-toolkit for WSL2
# Launch Ubuntu terminal

# First, set up the CUDA network repository. 

sudo apt-key adv --fetch-keys
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb /" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cuda.list'
sudo apt-get update
# Now install CUDA. Note that for WSL 2, you should use the cuda-toolkit-<version>
#(Do not choose the cuda, cuda-11-0, or cuda-drivers meta-packages under WSL 2)
sudo apt-get install -y cuda-toolkit-11-0
#test  (path: \\wsl$\Ubuntu-20.04\usr\local\cuda-11.1)
nvcc --version # cuda version

NOTE: gpu works with Window Insider Prebuild 20236 -->

3. OpenMPI + gcc +gpu
cd wSourceCode
tar xvf openmpi-4.1.0rc3.tar.gz
cd openmpi-4.1.0rc3
mkdir buildGCC-cuda && cd buildGCC-cuda
export myCUDA=/usr/local/cuda-11.0
../configure CC=gcc CXX=g++ FC=gfortran F77=gfortran \
--with-sge --without-verbs --without-ucx --with-cuda=${myCUDA} \
sudo make install

## use,
export PATH=/opt/app/openmpi/4.1.0-gcc9.3-cuda11/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/app/openmpi/4.1.0-gcc9.3-cuda11/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

## make Module files (\\wsl$\Ubuntu-20.04\home\tha\1moduleFiles)
# module use /home/tha/1moduleFiles
set topdir /opt/app/openmpi/4.1.0-gcc9.3-cuda11 prepend-path PATH $topdir/bin prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH $topdir/lib prepend-path INCLUDE $topdir/include prepend-path PKG_CONFIG_PATH $topdir/lib/pkgconfig # this is required

4. Compile lammps
### we have GTX 1060 with Pascal architecture
sudo apt install zlib1g-dev ocl-icd-opencl-dev  pkg-config
sudo apt-get install libblas-dev liblapack-dev libgsl-dev   #for plumed
git clone --branch master lammps_master
cd lammps_master
git pull origin master
mkdir build-gpu && cd build-gpu

module load cmake-3.18.3
module load ompi/4.1.0-gcc9.3-cuda11
module load cuda-11.2
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/app/openmpi/4.1.0-gcc9.3-cuda11/bin
export CC=mpicc
export CXX=mpic++
export FORTRAN=mpifort
cmake ../cmake -C ../cmake/presets/all_on.cmake \
 -DPKG_GPU=yes -DGPU_API=cuda -D GPU_ARCH=sm_61 \
make -j 8
sudo make install
-DGPU_API=cuda -D GPU_ARCH=sm_61

III. Install Anaconda on WSL:

  • Run installation :  bash
  • Update conda (optional):   conda update conda

Manually add the Anaconda bin folder to your PATH:

1. open file  "~/.bashrc"  (note: use Vim in Linux, donot open using Windows explorer)

2. added :      export PATH=/home/tha/anaconda3/bin:$PATH

Test the installed python:

  • open Sub_Linux_Prompt, and type: which python


II. Install Xeus-cling Kernel for Jupyter notebook on Window's subLinux (WSL)

3. Install Xeus-cling

- Assume Conda is installed
open Sub_Linux_Prompt, and type:         conda install xeus-cling notebook -c QuantStack -c conda-forge
Update xeus-cling (optional):    conda upate xeus-cling

4. set the BROWSER for WSL:

add the following command to the bottom of my ~/.bashrc file.

vim .bashrc 

export BROWSER='/mnt/c/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe'

NOTE: open .bashrc file using Windows may cause "permission error" on next launch. To solve it, type:
sudo chmod -R 777 /home/thang/.bashrc

5. Using:

  • open "Sub_Linux_Prompt" from an "arbitrary folder": Shift + Right Click and selecting the Open Linux shell here 
  • type: jupyter notebook
  • copy the last URL in Sub_Linux_Prompt to IE


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