Friday, July 26, 2019

Compiling OpenMPI 4

- Some applications require C++11, this is only supported on GCC 4.8 or newer, which is not always available on system, then newer GCC need to be installed before compiling Openmpi
- Make sure to build OpenMPI with 64-bit support. To check whether the currently available 

OpenMPI do support 64-bit or not, type this:
                ompi_info -a | grep 'Fort integer size'

If the output is 8, then it supports 64-bit. If output is 4, then it just supports 32-bit.* configuration for 64-bit support:

+ For Intel compilers use:
           FFLAGS=-i8 FCFLAGS=-i8 CFLAGS=-m64 CXXFLAGS=-m64
+ For GNU compilers type:
           FFLAGS="-m64 -fdefault-integer-8" FCFLAGS="-m64 -fdefault-integer-8" CFLAGS=-m64 CXXFLAGS=-m64

- must keep the source after compiling

Install UCX and libfabric:
Installation OPTIONS in README.txt
or ./configure -h

tar xvzf openmpi-4.0.2.tar.gz
cd openmpi-4.0.2
mkdir build
cd build

I. OpenMPI-4.0.4 + Intel-2020xe (USC)

Note: Intel2019 on cluster has wrong path, cannot work

- "--with-verbs" to use InfiniBand
- Use infiniband may limit the number of nodes?
-without-verbs/--without-ucx... can be turned at run-time:
mpirun --mca btl ^tcp,openib -np 4 a.out
export OMPI_MCA_btl=^tcp,openib
export OMPI_MCA_btl=^tcp
So just compile the whole thing.
# USC1
module load intel/compiler-xe19u5
module load compiler/gcc/9.1.0

check: icpc -v
Configure OpenMPI
../configure CC=icc CXX=icpc FC=ifort F77=ifort \
--with-sge --with-verbs --without-ucx --without-cma \
make -j 8
make install

3. Test openMPI
the only thing that users need to do to use Open MPI is ensure that: 
<prefix>/bin is in their PATH, and
<prefix>/lib is in their LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
Users may need to ensure to set the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH in their shell setup files (e.g., .bashrc, .cshrc) so that non-interactive rsh/ssh-based logins will be able to find the Open MPI executables.

Create Module file:

TEST: mpic++ -v

#2.2. USC 2: 
# use linker lld (include in Intel-bin, require GLIBC >2.15)
module load compiler/gcc-10.1.0
module load intel/compiler-xe19u5       # lld
export myUCX=/home1/p001cao/local/app/tool_dev/ucx-1.8-intel  
../configure CC=icc CXX=icpc FC=ifort F77=ifort LDFLAGS="-fuse-ld=lld -lrt" \
--with-sge --without-verbs --with-ucx=${myUCX} \
## consider link to lib
export myIntel=/home1/p001cao/local/app/intel/xe19u5/compilers_and_libraries_2019.5.281/linux/compiler/lib
LDFLAGS="-L${myIntel}/intel64_lin -Wl,-rpath,${myIntel}/intel64_lin" \
export PATH=/home1/p001cao/local/app/intel/xe19u5/compilers_and_libraries_2019.5.281/linux/bin/intel64:$PATH
export CC=icc  export CXX=icpc  export FORTRAN=ifort

II. install OpenMPI + GCC (USC)

* install libfabric, knem,... in UCX (openMPI 4.0,3 --> ucx-1.7 or older), or install with openMPI 
* use UCX is recommended: --without-verbs  

## consider lld linker: 
module load llvm/llvm-gcc10-lld                   # to use lld  
LDFLAGS="-fuse-ld=lld -lrt"    

## gold linker:
module load tool_dev/binutils-2.32                                         
LDFLAGS="-fuse-ld=gold -lrt"     

# 2.1. USC 1:
## 1. not use UCX
module load tool_dev/binutils-2.36                       # gold, should use to avoid link-error
module load compiler/gcc-11.2
export myKNEM=/uhome/p001cao/local/app/tool_dev/knem-1.1.4
## IB cluster
mkdir build_eagle && cd build_eagle 
../configure CC=gcc CXX=g++ FC=gfortran F77=gfortran LDFLAGS="-fuse-ld=gold -lrt" \
--with-sge --without-ucx --with-verbs --with-knem=${myKNEM} \
## noIB cluster
mkdir build_lion && cd build_lion
../configure CC=gcc CXX=g++ FC=gfortran F77=gfortran LDFLAGS="-fuse-ld=gold -lrt" \
--with-sge --without-ucx --without-verbs --with-knem=${myKNEM} \

### 2. with ucx
# ucx Error: ib_md.c:329  UCX  ERROR ibv_reg_mr(address=0x145cb580, length=263504, access=0xf) failed: Resource temporarily unavailable

## use the same procedure to compile on Lion and Eagle
module load tool_dev/binutils-2.35                        # gold 
module load compiler/gcc-10.2                 
export myUCX=/uhome/p001cao/local/app/tool_dev/ucx-1.9
export myKNEM=/uhome/p001cao/local/app/tool_dev/knem-1.1.4
../configure CC=gcc CXX=g++ FC=gfortran F77=gfortran LDFLAGS="-fuse-ld=gold -lrt" \
--with-sge --without-verbs --with-ucx=${myUCX} --with-knem=${myKNEM} \

##2.2. USC 2: 
## with UCX: on Tacheon, ucx gives better performance (but raise posibility of err)
cd openmpi-4.1.1
mkdir buildGCC && cd buildGCC
module load tool_dev/binutils-2.35                        # gold
module load compiler/gcc-10.3
export myUCX=/home1/p001cao/local/app/tool_dev/ucx-1.10               ## UCX
../configure CC=gcc CXX=g++ FC=gfortran F77=gfortran LDFLAGS="-fuse-ld=gold -lrt" \
--with-sge --without-verbs --with-ucx=${myUCX}  \
#not use
export myKNEM=/home1/p001cao/local/app/tool_dev/knem-1.1.4

## without UCX: 
module load tool_dev/binutils-2.35                        # gold
module load compiler/gcc-10.3
../configure CC=gcc CXX=g++ FC=gfortran F77=gfortran LDFLAGS="-fuse-ld=gold -lrt" \
--with-sge --with-verbs --without-ucx \

##2.3. CAN: 

module load gcc/gcc-7.4.0
check:   g++   -v

2. Configuration

cd openmpi-4.0.2
mkdir build
cd build

../configure CC=gcc CXX=g++ FC=gfortran F77=gfortran \
--with-sge --without-verbs --without-ucx  \

##2.4. CAN-GPU: 

I. Install Cuda with Intel-xe19: (Runfile Installation)
Download:  wget

Install: (root acc)
1. disable the graphical target, to update Nvidia driver
systemctl isolate
modprobe -r nvidia-drm

module load compiler/gcc-7.4
sh --toolkitpath=/home/thang/local/app/cuda-10.2

2. after install Cuda, start the graphical environment again
systemctl start

II. Install OpenMPI
# need binutils 2.22 or newer to link cuda

cd openmpi-4.1.1
mkdir build && cd build

Load compilers:
module load compiler/gcc-7.4   # cuda-10 only support to gcc-8
module load binutils-2.35 

../configure CC=gcc CXX=g++ FC=gfortran F77=gfortran \
--with-sge --without-ucx \
--with-cuda=/home/thang/local/app/cuda-10.2 \

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