I. Assum that Intel compiler was installed on USC
module avail
module display "module_name"
Load modules
module load intel/intel-14.0
module list
2. Configuration Information and install OpenMPI
./configure --prefix=/uhome/p001cao/local/openmpi-2.1.5-intel-14.0 CC=icc CXX=icpc F77=ifort FC=ifort --with-devel-headers --enable-binaries
make -j8
make all install
Test the result
# mpicc -v
icc version 14.0.3 (gcc version 4.4.7 compatibility)
3. Make module file
create file "openmpi-2.1.5"
# for Tcl script use only
set topdir /uhome/p001cao/local/openmpi-2.1.5-intel-14.0
set version 2.1.5
module load intel/intel-14.0
prepend-path PATH $topdir/bin
prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH $topdir/lib
prepend-path INCLUDE $topdir/include
prepend-path MANPATH $topdir/share/man
save it in: /uhome/p001cao/local/share/lmodfiles/mpi/intel-14.0